Saturday, February 19, 2011

Palm Springs, Ca

We have been in Palm Springs for 9 days. The weather is just wonderful with lots of sunshine and warm temps. It’s a little cooler today high 60’s (that’s cold here) and we even had rain last night.

We have been shopping with Jerri and Terry.

palm springs '11 002

We have been out to dinner with Jerri and Terry.

palm springs '11 035 palm springs '11 034 The Flame Brazillian Resturant

We have been to the Casino with uncle Floyd and Mary

The casino won! rats!!!!!

palm springs '11 033

We have been to the National Date Festival.

palm springs '11 041palm springs '11 040

palm springs '11 012 And the valley of windmills. That’s all for now.


  1. I think you should buy the t-shirt for me especially since you had me model it above!!

  2. I really think Jeri would look great in that t-shirt. Sorry the casino won. Better luck next week.

  3. Yum, dates. Love'em. Sure hope the border guards don't get to enjoy them.

  4. I think you should buy Jerry that t-shirt. Then he can enter the Gypsy Queen contest at the Gypsy Journal Gathering next month. :)
